[erlang-questions] Unable to access my inets http server from my phone or external PC
Tom van Neerijnen
Sun Mar 1 15:35:15 CET 2015
bind_address,{127,0,0,1} should be bind_address,{0,0,0,0}. is the
loopback interface and only receives connections from the same host which
is why you can't connect from other devices.
On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 1:54 AM, austin aigbe <eshikafe@REDACTED> wrote:
> Still the same experience. I still can't connect.
> What could be wrong?
> python -m SimpleHTTPServer works well and this implies it's not my network
> configuration but an application issue. In this case my web_server.erl
> application. So what am I doing incorrectly?
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 1:26 AM, Leonard Boyce <
> leonard.boyce@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Removing the bind_address or set it to a non-localhost IP which is bound
>> to your machine should sort it out.
>> Leonard
>> On Feb 28, 2015 6:19 PM, "austin aigbe" <eshikafe@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can't seem to access the erlang inets http server (web_server.erl)
>>> from my Android phone (using http://<PC IP address>:8000) via WiFi
>>> However, I am able to access the python based simpleHTTPServer from my
>>> Android phone (using http://<PC IP address>:8000) via WiFi.
>>> How do I make my erlang inets server accessible from an external PC or
>>> phone?
>>> OS: Windows 7
>>> %-----------------------
>>> % web_server.erl
>>> %-------------------------
>>> -module(web_server).
>>> -export([start/0, stop/0]).
>>> -define(PORT, 8000).
>>> -define(SERVER_NAME, "server1").
>>> -define(ROOT,"C:/Users/eausaig/Desktop/web_server").
>>> start() ->
>>> {ok, _} = inets:start(httpd,
>>> [{port, ?PORT},
>>> {server_name,?SERVER_NAME},
>>> {server_root,?ROOT},
>>> {document_root,?ROOT},
>>> {bind_address,{127,0,0,1}},
>>> {directory_index,["index.html"]},
>>> {server_tokens, full}]).
>>> stop() ->
>>> [{_,_},{_,P2}] = inets:services(),
>>> ok = inets:stop(httpd, P2).
>>> BR,
>>> Austin
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Thomas van Neerijnen
+4477 1709 7670
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