[erlang-questions] Unable to access my inets http server from my phone or external PC

austin aigbe eshikafe@REDACTED
Sun Mar 1 00:18:16 CET 2015


I can't seem to access the erlang inets http server (web_server.erl) from
my Android phone (using http://<PC IP address>:8000) via WiFi

However, I am able to access the python based simpleHTTPServer from my
Android phone (using http://<PC IP address>:8000) via WiFi.

How do I make my erlang inets server accessible from an external PC or

OS: Windows 7

% web_server.erl
-export([start/0, stop/0]).

-define(PORT, 8000).
-define(SERVER_NAME, "server1").

start() ->
{ok, _} = inets:start(httpd,
[{port, ?PORT},
 {server_tokens, full}]).

stop() ->
[{_,_},{_,P2}] = inets:services(),
ok = inets:stop(httpd, P2).

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