[erlang-questions] [ANN] Syn: a global process registry

Roberto Ostinelli roberto@REDACTED
Tue Jul 7 11:06:44 CEST 2015

> "I’m not sure why Syn is performing better with 3 nodes than with 2 (and
> I’ve repeated this test more than once)."
> This is the good thing about these kind of benchmarks, they allow you to
> find oddities in the behaviour of your code. So figure this thing out. :-)

My first reaction was that in the case of three nodes, mnesia async works
better because the load of syncing data is shared between nodes (similarly
as what the torrent protocol does, for instance), *and* the cluster noise
is less relevant.
>From 4 nodes on, the noise becomes more relevant, hence things start to
slow down again.

For that matters, since I'm using mnesia dirty writes: why is there any
loss of performance when using dirty writes on a distributed mnesia table
if the number of nodes increases?
I mean, being dirty writes it actually shouldn't matter that there are
multiple nodes. Sure, it'll take longer to propagate, but why is the write
operation slower?

I would love to hear from some mnesia specialist.

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