[erlang-questions] how to add a tuple to a list.

Thu Jan 29 20:23:40 CET 2015

> Here is my code so far :
> -module(db).
> -export([new/0, destroy/1]).
> new() ->
>     [].
> destroy(Db) ->
>     {ok}.
> write(Key, Element, Db) ->
>      [ [{key, data}] | Db ]

> db.erl:12: syntax error before:

well, i am not the first to notice that you have simply missed the 
closing "." for the function 'write' which is a syntax error.

and this is exactly why i always put "dots" on a new line:

new() ->

destroy(Db) ->

write(Key, Element, Db) ->
	[ {Key, Element} | Db ]

I also fixed some other mistakes in your snippet, look for them.
And do not forget to export your 'write/3'

'export_all' compiler's option is very nice For debugging:

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