[erlang-questions] configure http methods in yaws

Bogdan Andu bog495@REDACTED
Fri Feb 13 08:33:08 CET 2015

The idea of configuration module is a step forward, but I just want to tell
yaws to handle only the methods I want , automagically. I do not want
another module to interfere with http traffic. Traffic with methods not
allowed should be discarded with 405 in the earliest stage of proccessing.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Steve Vinoski <vinoski@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Imants Cekusins <imantc@REDACTED> wrote:
>> actually, does Yaws interpret  #rewrite_response{} in any way?
>> or is it but a convenience hint to the appmod?
>> if Yaws is looking for #rewrite_response,
>> maybe add a rewrite_response field to #arg so it is obvious where to put
>> it?
>> just an idea..
> Yes, Yaws knows to check the #arg.state field for a #rewrite_response
> record and create a response from it if found. As for the new field, that
> won't happen since it would mean supporting both the state field for
> existing apps and the new field for new or revised apps. Instead, I'll just
> add the example from the email thread to the Yaws docs.
> BTW, here's another way to allow only GET and POST requests, this time
> using a dispatchmod, which is documented in the PDF docs. A dispatchmod is
> called very early in the dispatch flow and can either continue dispatching
> or can send replies directly on the socket and tell Yaws the request is
> already handled:
> -module(methods_dpmod).
> -export([dispatch/1]).
> -include_lib("yaws_api.hrl").
> dispatch(Arg) ->
>     Allowed = ['GET', 'POST'],
>     Req = yaws_api:arg_req(Arg),
>     Method = yaws_api:http_request_method(Req),
>     case lists:member(Method, Allowed) of
>         true ->
>             continue;
>         false ->
>             Vsn = yaws_api:http_request_version(Req),
>             Resp = #http_response{
>                       version=Vsn,
>                       status=405,
>                       phrase=yaws_api:code_to_phrase(405)},
>             AllowedStrs = string:join([atom_to_list(M) || M <- Allowed],
> ","),
>             HdrVals = [{"Allow", AllowedStrs},
>                        {"Content-Length", "0"}],
>             Headers = lists:foldl(fun({H,V}, Hdrs) ->
>                                           yaws_api:set_header(Hdrs, H, V)
>                                   end, #headers{}, HdrVals),
>             HdrStrings = yaws_api:reformat_header(Headers),
>             Reply = [yaws_api:reformat_response(Resp), "\r\n",
>                      string:join(HdrStrings, "\r\n"), "\r\n\r\n"],
>             Sock = yaws_api:arg_clisock(Arg),
>             case yaws_api:get_sslsocket(Sock) of
>                 {ok, SslSock} ->
>                     ssl:send(SslSock, Reply);
>                 undefined ->
>                     gen_tcp:send(Sock, Reply)
>             end,
>             done
>     end.
> This is a bit more involved than the arg rewriter because it assembles and
> sends the reply directly. (BTW note that the SSL portions of this example
> won't work without a very recent version of Yaws, due to a bug I fixed Feb.
> 3.)
> --steve
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