[erlang-questions] is this a well written function

Richard A. O'Keefe ok@REDACTED
Fri Feb 13 03:32:35 CET 2015

On 12/02/2015, at 8:03 pm, Roelof Wobben <r.wobben@REDACTED> wrote:
> Thanks for all the remarks. I changed it all but one remark about your code ;
> When I do N1 = N0 + 1 then I get a error because N1 is imutable and cannot be changed.

Here's the code I wrote, pasted from that message.

display_numbers_loop(N, N) ->                    % 3; C
   ok;                                           % 4; F
display_numbers_loop(N0, N) ->                   % 5;
   N1 = N0 + 1,                                  % 6; C,D
   io:format("Number: ~p~n", [N1]),              % 7; D
   display_numbers_loop(N1, N).                  % 8;

At the point that N1 = N0 + 1 happens,
N1 DOES NOT YET HAVE A VALUE, so there is no possible question of trying to change it.
In fact the code as posted works flawlessly.  (I have tested it.)

I strongly suspect that you ended up with something like

    N0 = N0 + 1
which will indeed produce the error you describe.

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