[erlang-questions] New Erlang job openings
Jason Duffy Smith
Tue Feb 10 00:22:06 CET 2015
Hi All,
I would just like to thank those at Erlang Central for maintain these
listings. Allowing a relaxed view on Erlang jobs means more options for
someone like myself looking for an "in". Especially being in remote
Australia were the listings are very sparse.
So thank you for all the efforts.
- Jason
(I don't say much in this community but felt a thank you was warranted)
On 10 February 2015 at 05:33, e@REDACTED <e@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 02/09/2015 07:09 PM, Garret Smith wrote:
>> This particular one is an Erlang job, but we're willing to train a
>> qualified candidate.
> so that was a sort of misunderstanding.
> your candidate will work with erlang, but you do not require specifically
> erlang background (smthng like: "any experience will suffice alongside the
> ability to learn")
> it might be a reason for erlangcentral.com to improve the format?
> an explicit list of tools and responsibilities? or smthng like that.
> Making Erlang "a plus" widens the candidate
>> pool.
> i presume there are more people in the world who know Java than those who
> know Java AND Erlang.
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 7:43 PM, e@REDACTED <e@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> i have found the missing link
>>> https://erlangcentral.org/sr-software-engineer-synapsense/
>>> this is definitely java job
>>> Erlang is merely "a plus"
>>> On 02/07/2015 01:57 AM, Matthias Lang wrote:
>>>> On 05. February 2015, e@REDACTED wrote:
>>>> Hi, Bruce.
>>>>> please, clarify the issue:
>>>>> why erlangcentral allows non-erlang jobs to be posted?
>>>>> for example the following are C++ and Java positions:
>>>>> https://erlangcentral.org/software-engineer-new-grad-shoretel/
>>>>> Software Engineer – New Grad at ShoreTel - Canberra, Australia
>>>>>> https://erlangcentral.org/software-engineer-new-grad-shoretel/
>>>> 1. You've posted the same link twice.
>>>> 2. The linked text says "The majority of the development work will
>>>> be in C++ and Erlang." That sounds like an Erlang-related job to
>>>> me.
>>>> (Or was it ninja-edited?)
>>>> Matt (not Bruce)
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