[erlang-questions] Lager fatal errors when starting an application using erlsrv, but not werl
jim rosenblum
Tue Feb 3 22:47:41 CET 2015
I have an application that uses Lager. I have created packages for Mac OSx,
RedHat, Ubuntu and Windows and I have a problem that *only* manifests
itself on Windows when my application is started via erlsrv - starting with
werl.exe is fine.
I register the process via the cmd file produced by Rebar, called jc.cmd in
my case.
When I start it in a console (i.e., 1> jc.cmd console), all is good, but
when I start via '2> jc.cmd start' I get the following errors:
2015-02-03 08:07:31.394 [error] <0.73.0>@lager_handler_watcher:98 Lager
fatally failed to install handler lager_console_backend into lager_event,
NOT retrying: old_shell
2015-02-03 08:07:31.394 [warning] <0.68.0>@lager_console_backend:64 Lager's
console backend is incompatible with the 'old' shell, not enabling it
The console command uses werl.exe, the start command uses erlsrv.
Can anyone help?
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