[erlang-questions] Why does Dialyzer crash on this map?

Ali Sabil ali.sabil@REDACTED
Thu Apr 23 12:46:56 CEST 2015

Any update regarding this?

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 5:21 PM Ali Sabil <ali.sabil@REDACTED> wrote:

> Sorry for the late reply, I finally managed to get a minimal test case
> that reproduces the bug in 17.5:
> -module(sum).
> -export([
> test/1
> ]).
> -spec test(#{atom() => term()}) -> integer().
> test(Data) ->
> maps:fold(fun
> (_Key, Value, Acc) when is_integer(Value) ->
> Acc + Value;
> (_Key, _Value, Acc) ->
> Acc
> end, 0, Data).
> I don't know if this is the correct fix, but this makes dialyzer work
> again:
> diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
> index 4215448..bb4c1c1 100644
> --- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
> +++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
> @@ -4594,6 +4594,8 @@ t_form_to_string({type, _L, list, [Type]}) ->
>    "[" ++ t_form_to_string(Type) ++ "]";
>  t_form_to_string({type, _L, map, Args}) when not is_list(Args) ->
>    "#{}";
> +t_form_to_string({type, _L, map_field_assoc, Key, Value}) ->
> +  "#{" ++ t_form_to_string(Key) ++ "=>" ++ t_form_to_string(Value) ++ "}";
>  t_form_to_string({type, _L, mfa, []}) -> "mfa()";
>  t_form_to_string({type, _L, module, []}) -> "module()";
>  t_form_to_string({type, _L, node, []}) -> "node()";
> Thanks,
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:31 PM Björn-Egil Dahlberg <
> wallentin.dahlberg@REDACTED> wrote:
Again - could you provide me with a sample code .. or at least some sort of
>> a clue to what you are dialyzing?
>> 2015-04-07 14:05 GMT+02:00 Ali Sabil <ali.sabil@REDACTED>:
> Hi again,Running dialyzer shipped with 17.5 on the same code base leads
>>> now to the following error (17.4 works without any errors):
>>> ===> Error in dialyzing apps: Analysis failed with error:
>>> {function_clause,[{erl_types,t_form_to_string,
>>>                              [{type,36,map_field_assoc,
>>>                                     {type,36,atom,[]},
>>>                                     {type,36,term,[]}}],
>>>                              [{file,"erl_types.erl"},{line,4546}]},
>>>                   {erl_types,t_form_to_string_list,2,
>>>                              [{file,"erl_types.erl"},{line,4637}]},
>>>                   {erl_types,t_form_to_string,1,
>>>                              [{file,"erl_types.erl"},{line,4634}]},
>>>                   {erl_types,t_form_to_string_list,2,
>>>                              [{file,"erl_types.erl"},{line,4637}]},
>>>                   {erl_types,t_form_to_string,1,
>>>                              [{file,"erl_types.erl"},{line,4634}]},
>>>                   {dialyzer_contracts,contract_to_string_1,1,
>>>                                       [{file,"dialyzer_contracts.erl"},
>>>                                        {line,107}]},
>>>                   {dialyzer_contracts,extra_contract_warning,6,
>>>                                       [{file,"dialyzer_contracts.erl"},
>>>                                        {line,712}]},
>>>                   {dialyzer_contracts,picky_contract_check,7,
>>>                                       [{file,"dialyzer_contracts.erl"},
>>>                                        {line,686}]}]}
>>> Last messages in the log cache:
>>>   Reading files and computing callgraph... done in 1.21 secs
>>>   Removing edges... done in 0.04 secs
>>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 12:12 PM Björn-Egil Dahlberg <egil@REDACTED>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 2015-03-18 12:01, Ali Sabil wrote:
>>>> > I tried to create a minimal testcase but I unfortunately haven't been
>>>> > able to. I was running dialyzer on a quite large code base and now
>>>> > even the unpatched dialyzer works without any issue after I fixed all
>>>> > the issues reported by dialyzer. Ah, well .. I suspect it was the
>>>> missing clause in find_terminals and I had it on a TODO somewhere.
>>>> Should be included to 17.5. // Björn-Egil
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