[erlang-questions] RE Erlang for Power Grid

Olivier BOUDEVILLE olivier.boudeville@REDACTED
Mon Nov 17 10:12:08 CET 2014


Erlang has also been used in order to *simulate* upcoming smart metering 
infrastructures (rather than to implement them) by a few of our projects, 
using Sim-Diasca (http://sim-diasca.com/) - notably in 2011 in the context 
of the CLEVER project which benefited from a bit of public exposure (


Olivier Boudeville.
Olivier Boudeville

EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47 
65 27 13

Envoyé par : erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED
16/11/2014 14:25


[erlang-questions] Erlang for Power Grid

Hi, I'm just curious about the usage of Erlang for Power Grid related 

I already saw a video with a German guy talking about a Grid using Erlang.

Are there more occasions of that? 

And is Erlang being used for monitoring of Smart Meters somewhere?

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