[erlang-questions] finding the nearest key in a key-value table
Joe Armstrong
Tue May 27 12:58:24 CEST 2014
What's the best data structure to support a "nearest key" operation?
I want a data structure that supports the following operations:
new() -> NewTree
insert(Key, Value, Tree) -> NewTree
delete(Key, Tree) -> NewTree
nearest(Key, N, Tree) -> [{Key1,Val1},{Key2,Val2} ...].
Keys are 20 byte binaries, values are 6 byte binaries
The maximum number of keys of Key-Value pairs is 10 million.
nearest(Key, N, Tree) returns the N nearest items to Key in the tree
"near" means that the keys are near to each other. Often the key I want
will not
be in the tree, so I want nearby keys. The nearness measure is just the
"distance" between the two keys (ie the nearest N keys to the given key if
the keys were to
be sorted)
Are there any Erlang libraries that do this?
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