[erlang-questions] Chicago Boss Array Fields in Models
Manuel A. Rubio "Bombadil"
Tue May 27 12:32:30 CEST 2014
Hi Ivan,
I think arrays is not well supported for retrieve information from
postgres, I afraid, if you go to a psql terminal and run a simple:
SELECT emails FROM users;
You realise the output is the same that you get with boss_db. Perhaps
you should normalice the data, create another table for emails and
another model using -has or -belongs instead.
Another solution is create a parser for that and in the model, use a
specific function to get the data parsed. But I think this is more
complex to do.
Manuel Rubio.
El 2014-05-23 23:03, Ivan Carmenates García escribió:
> Hi every one,
> I was wondering how CB treats the database array fields,
> If I have for example a postgres script like this one:
> CREATE TABLE users (
> name varchar(50),
> emails varchar(50) []
> )
> In CB a model like this:
> -module(users, [Id, Name, Emails]).
> So I have inserted a record in the database and it looks as follow:
> Id name emails
> 1 Will {will@REDACTED, will89@REDACTED, will2014@REDACTED}
> When I do a bossdb:find(users, []) for the field emails I got <<"{will@REDACTED, will89@REDACTED, will2014@REDACTED}">>
> My question is obviously, WTF??? Sorry about that!! How can I parse that!!! To a nicely, normal, pretty, good syntax of CB.
> Even I tried from the view to get the value and the value I got is {will@REDACTED, will89@REDACTED, will2014@REDACTED} in the view
> test_array('GET', []) ->
> L = boss_db:find(test, []),
> [{_, _, Emails} | R] = L,
> {ok, [{emails, Emails}]}.
> For the view
> <ul>
> {% if emails %}
> {{ emails }}
> {% else %}
> <li>Nothing to do.</li>
> {% endif %}
> </ul>
> Best regards,
> Ivan.
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