[erlang-questions] Erlang for exercism.io: The Fellowship of the Process Ring

Torben Hoffmann torben.hoffmann@REDACTED
Thu May 1 22:01:08 CEST 2014

Hi fellow Erlangers!

I call upon you in a time of great hope and opportunity!!

Katrina Owen has created this wonderful thing called exercism.io, which allows people
to do exercises in languages of their choice and get their solutions reviewed by
people well versed in the language.

First and foremost, we need a group of Erlangers to volunteer to nitpick the
solutions people provide as per the contribution rules of exercism.io:

I will put myself forward as one of the valiant knights of the Erlang world, who will
help people with feedback on their exercises as part of The Fellowship of the Process Ring.
But, alas, one person is not enough. We need more to fight off all the evils of
Mordor, so I hope that others will join my call.

Apart from people willing to join the Fellowship we also need people to prepare new
exercises for Erlang. Right now there are 13 exercises at
https://github.com/exercism/xerlang, but we need more.

The common list of exercises is at https://github.com/exercism/x-common where all the
existing problems have been listed. For each of the exercises a test file is needed
to test the solution.

If you find that some cool exercise that could stifle even the bravest Hobbit is
missing you can add a new one. I, for one, will try to add some exercises that helps
people think concurrently.

If you are interested, send me a mail and I will organise things with exercism.io.

“It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Torben Hoffmann
Erlang Solutions Ltd.
Tel: +45 25 14 05 38

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