[erlang-questions] escript argument encoding

Reid Draper reiddraper@REDACTED
Thu Mar 20 19:38:50 CET 2014

I’m running into an issue where OSX and Linux seem to treat the command-line arguments to an escript differently. Using the following escript:

#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! +pc unicode

main([Args]) ->
    io:setopts([{encoding, utf8}]),
    io:format("~w~n", [Args]),
    io:format("~ts~n", [Args]).

Both my OSX and Linux (Ubuntu 13.10) boxes have their LANG set to en_US.UTF-8. I’m running the escript like so:

./sample.escript سلام

On OSX, the escript seems to treat `Args` as a list of unicode code-points:

./sample.escript سلام

On Linux, it seems to treat the input as a list of UTF-8 bytes, where each byte is turned into an integer. The Erlang unicode guide calls this a 'Lists of UTF-8 Bytes' [1].

./sample.escript سلام

How does I get both OSX and Linux to treat the input of the escript as a list of code-points?


[1] http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/stdlib/unicode_usage.html

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