[erlang-questions] Erlang is *not* a implementation of the Actor model Re: Go vs Erlang for distribution
Mon Jun 23 16:50:52 CEST 2014
Le 23/06/2014 16:37, Raphael Korsoski a écrit :
> The only dissertation on the subject that I'm aware of is Lars Åke
> Fredlund's thesis from 2001: "A Framework for Reasoning about ERLANG Code"
> It uses modal logic to model time; specifically an extension of the
> mu-calculus in the "usual" Gentzen-style deductive framework.
> If there are other approaches that have been investigated for Erlang
> specifically, I'd be very interested in links etc!
Perhaps this one:
*Formally based tool support for model checking Erlang applications*
Qiang Guo, John Derrick
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
August 2011, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp 355-376
Best regards, yann.
Contact: yann.secq{at}univ-lille1.fr | www.lifl.fr/~secq
www.ouverture-independance.fr | www.sauvonsluniversite.com
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