[erlang-questions] node.js vs erlang

Jesper Louis Andersen jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED
Tue Jun 17 16:32:36 CEST 2014

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 3:58 PM, John Kemp <john@REDACTED> wrote:

> In summary though, I believe that at a "whole-systems" level, node has no
> particular performance advantage (assuming standard CPU architecture) that
> would make me choose it over Ruby, Java or Erlang (all of which I find
> easier to program, for different reasons).

In fact, if the Node.js model is so good, I'd go with OCaml+Core.Async any
day. Async defines enough tooling through operators that I can get a monad
in which my writing style can be direct while having all the advantages of
a "non-blocking" system.

But the existence of languages like Erlang and Go, the realization
Haskell/GHC contains lots of tooling for doing concurrent work kind of
tells a story that this might not be enough.

And the existence of Mozart/Oz and Erlang also tells a different equally
important story about distribution.

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