[erlang-questions] Erlang for youngsters
Miles Fidelman
Mon Jun 16 16:24:23 CEST 2014
Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:
> Hi Torben,
> +1 for for teaching Erlang to kids.
> Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I was founding editor/publisher
> of Classroom Computer News, the first magazine in the U.S. devoted
> exclusively to instructional computer applications in K-12 classrooms.
> Subsequently I founded a company largely devoted to development of
> educational and consumer software for major publishers. We developed
> over 100 products ranging from Pockets the Learn and Do Kangaroo for
> pre-school youngsters to Algebra I for the high school set to The
> Scarsdale Medical Diet for obese adults for publishers ranging from
> Bantam to World Book.
> I bore you with this to make several points:
> 1) Don't underestimate what properly motivated kids can learn---
> they're hard-wired to learn
> 2) Don't underestimate intrinsic curiosity as a motivator--- at least
> until it's squelched by repressive pedagogy
> 3) Create exploration environments to leverage intrinsic curiosity
> 4) Break the learning tasks into single key concepts that rest 100
> percent on what the youngster already knows so concepts build one upon
> another
> 5) Keep it playful and fun
> 6) Tie the concepts into real-world (the child's world) issues and
> concerns
> 7) Challenge the youngster, but make success attainable
> 8) Reward success
> 9) Empower the youngster with demonstrable knowledge and skills that
> matter from the kid's perspective
Good points all.
Re. motivation: Robotics is big right now - particularly in the context
of Lego Mindstorms and then the FIRST Robotics competitions. Erlang, as
a language for robot behaviors (subsumption architecture) and
cooperating robots, might be really cool.
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra
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