[erlang-questions] Maps matching syntax - matching on keys that don't exist in a map - Alternative syntax?
Rudolph van Graan
Wed Jun 4 14:09:19 CEST 2014
Hi there,
I am getting to grips on how one can use maps, but I keep on hitting the same problem. Imagine I have a map which could contain any of three keys : [a,b,c]). Key a is mandatory, the other two may or may not be there depending on business rules:
> convert_map(#{a := ValueA, b := OptionalValueB, c := OptionalValueC}) ->
> {ValueA,OptionalValueB, OptionalValueC}.
The problem is that this doesn't work if b and c are not present:
> (system@REDACTED)31> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}).
> {1,2,3}
> (system@REDACTED)32> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, b => 2}).
> ** exception error: no function clause matching pend:convert_map(#{a => 1,b => 2}) (pend.erl, line 105)
> (system@REDACTED)33> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, c => 3}).
> ** exception error: no function clause matching pend:convert_map(#{a => 1,c => 3}) (pend.erl, line 105)
So do deal with this, I wrote this code:
> convert_map(#{a := A, b := OptionalValueB, c := OptionalValueC}) ->
> {A,OptionalValueB,OptionalValueC};
> convert_map(Map = #{a := A}) ->
> {A, value_b(Map), value_c(Map)}.
> value_b(#{ b := OptionalValueB}) -> OptionalValueB;
> value_b(#{}) -> undefined.
> value_c(#{ c := OptionalValueC}) -> OptionalValueC;
> value_c(#{}) -> undefined.
which works:
> (system@REDACTED)34> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, c => 3}).
> {1,undefined,3}
> (system@REDACTED)35> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, c => 2}).
> {1,undefined,2}
> (system@REDACTED)36> pend:convert_map(#{ a => 1, b => 2}).
> {1,2,undefined}
But this feels very clumsy and not Erlang'ish at all. Are there plans for introducing another operator apart from ":=" that will do an optional/default match? Perhaps "~="?
Then the code would like this:
> convert_map(#{a := A, b ~= OptionalValueB, c ~= OptionalValueC}) ->
The same problem will occur when single value access is implemented. I would need a way to extract a key that may or may not be in the map.
Any suggestions?
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