[erlang-questions] Erlang docs was Re: How to return all records in dets

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo@REDACTED
Mon Jun 2 21:50:27 CEST 2014

On Monday, June 2, 2014 14:14:01 Garrett Smith wrote:
> I'm still not clear why just updating the *existing* docs -- adding

fwiw, that's my intention; in fact, it's why i participated in this thread at 
all. given my current level of erlangery, contributing docs is about the upper 
extent of my usefulness to erlang right now. it has the added bonus of letting 
me learn a bit more about how things are put together (explaining is a great 
way of learning, after all). i've written a fair amount of technical 
documentation and examples in other free software projects so i have a rough 
idea of what i'm getting myself into. ;)

that said, many of the questions i pose stand as there are a good number of 
things that could be done to improve not just the content of the docs, but 
also the workflow around creating and consuming them; as a newcomer i have 
neither the insight nor the position to propose answers to those question, so 
i simply ask them hoping someone such as yourself will open up a can of wisdom 
and provide some guidance.

as you noted in your earlier email:

"Ease of making these changes and then getting them integrated is of
course the big question. If it's a substantial barrier, lowering that
friction is something probably worth investing in."

Aaron J. Seigo
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