[erlang-questions] [erlang-programming] Re: Source specific multicast
Fri Jul 25 19:31:03 CEST 2014
start([Source,Group,Port]) ->
{ok,SourceAddress} = inet:parse_address(Source),
{ok,GroupAddress} = inet:parse_address(Group),
LocalIp = ip_to_binary({0,0,0,0}),
GroupIp = ip_to_binary(GroupAddress),
SourceIp = ip_to_binary(SourceAddress),
Bin = << GroupIp/binary,LocalIp/binary,SourceIp/binary >>,
{ok,Socket} = gen_udp:open(erlang:list_to_integer(Port),
{multicast_ttl, 30},
{raw, 0, 39, Bin}
io:format("Socket ~p:~n", [Socket]),
Pid = spawn(fun() -> loop(Socket) end),
io:format("Pid :~p~n",[Pid]),
ok = gen_udp:controlling_process(Socket,Pid).
ip_to_binary(Ip) ->
loop(Socket) ->
{udp,_Socket,_SrcAddr,_Port,Bin} ->
io:format("Bin ~p:~n", [Bin]),
Msg ->
io:format("Msg ~p:~n", [Msg])
вторник, 15 июля 2014 г., 8:09:37 UTC+4 пользователь Anastasia написал:
> What should I change or add to the code in order to run the code with
> source specific multicast?
> -module(udp_bin).
> -compile([export_all]).
> start([Host,Port]) ->
> {ok,IpAddress} = inet:parse_address(Host),
> {ok,Socket} = gen_udp:open(erlang:list_to_integer(Port),
> [
> inet,
> binary,
> {active,true},
> {reuseaddr,true},
> {add_membership,{IpAddress,{0,0,0,0}}}
> ]),
> io:format("Socket ~p:~n", [Socket]),
> Pid = spawn(fun() -> loop(Socket) end),
> io:format("Pid :~p~n",[Pid]), %%15
> ok = gen_udp:controlling_process(Socket,Pid).
> loop(Socket) ->
> receive
> {udp,_Socket,_SrcAddr,_Port,Bin} ->
> io:format("Bin ~p:~n", [Bin]), %%25
> loop(Socket);
> Msg ->
> io:format("Msg ~p:~n", [Msg])
> end.
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