[erlang-questions] Percept2 and gen_server messages

Tyron Zerafa tyron.zerafa@REDACTED
Sun Jan 19 19:32:24 CET 2014

Hi all,

    I am trying to use Percept2 to find out the communication overhead of a
gen_server process. However, when I'm analyzing the "*.dat" generated I'm
only finding the following for my gen_server process (code below):
msgs_recv = 1
avg_size_msgs_recv = 18
msgs_sent = 1
avg_size_msgs_sent = 72

We are communicating with this server both via messages (ServerPid !
{test}) and the gen_server:call/2

Are we missing something here? Shouldn't the request/ replies be recorded
as msgs?

%%  gen_server code


-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).

handle_info/2 ,

start_profiling() ->
percept2:profile("data.dat", {test_percept_1,start_link, []},[all]).
stop_profiling() ->
start_link() ->
case gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?SERVER, [], []) of
{ok, Pid} ->
io:format("Gen_server started: ~p on node: ~p. ~n",[Pid,node()]),
Other ->
io:format("Error starting ~p: ~p. ~n",[?SERVER,Other]),
{error, Other}
init([]) -> {ok,[]}.


{reply,"This is a test string",State}.

handle_info(_, State) ->


Best Regards,
Tyron Zerafa
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