[erlang-questions] List comprehension question

Rich Neswold rich.neswold@REDACTED
Thu Jan 16 17:39:34 CET 2014


This morning I became aware of a (powerful) feature of list
comprehensions. Take the following example:

    [ X + Y || {X, Y} <- L].

If we set L to [{1,2}, ok, {1,3}], we get the result [3,4] instead of
a pattern match exception (as I was expecting.) This means that list
comprehensions give you a "free" lists:filter/2 in the generator

I've looked through the OTP documentation, quite a few Stack Overflow
questions, and several list comprehension tutorials and none of them
explicitly state that generator expressions filter elements that don't
match their pattern. The web pages emphasize generators and guards are
like combinations of lists:map and lists:filter, which isn't exactly
correct. For instance, the above example is not the same as:

    lists:map(fun ({X, Y}) -> X + Y end, L).

but is more equivalent to:

    lists:foldr(fun ({X, Y}, Acc) -> [X + Y | Acc];
                    (_, Acc) -> Acc
                end, [], L).

Is this an expected, but undocumented, feature of list comprehensions?
Or am I in "undefined behavior" territory?


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