[erlang-questions] Trying to learn the Erlang Way
Gustav Simonsson
Fri Feb 7 22:32:41 CET 2014
Time for Higher Order Functions Friday Evening (HOFFE)!
I renamed and refactored the cull functions a bit to give a example of
using higher order functions instead of manual recursion.
To answer your other question about objects, one minimal example below is
the spaceship object defined as a two tuple consisting of {Stuff, Vector}.
In the example below I just put a atom in the stuff element, but it could
as well be a complex term. It is ignored by the filtering function.
%% Subtract the second vector from the first
subtract({X1, Y1, Z1}, {X2, Y2, Z2}) -> {(X1 - X2), (Y1 - Y2), (Z1 - Z2)}.
%% Compute the magnitude of the vector
magnitude({X, Y, Z}) -> math:sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z)).
%% Compute whether the vector with components X, Y and Z has greater
magnitude then the passed scalar M.
%% Note that this method avoids the expensive sqrt operation.
is_magnitude_greater(M, {X, Y, Z}) ->
Msq = M * M,
Magsq = (X * X) + (Y * Y) + (Z * Z),
Msq > Magsq.
%% Determines if any coordinate in the given vector is bigger than the
passed in value M
has_coordinate_greater_than(V, {X, Y, Z}) -> X > V orelse Y > V orelse Z >
has_coordinate_greater_than(_, _) -> false.
%% Vector is in the sphere devined by vector C as a center and R as a
in_sphere(C, R, Vector) ->
case has_coordinate_greater_than(R, Vector) of
true -> false;
false -> is_magnitude_greater(R, subtract(C, Vector))
cull(C, R, Vectors) ->
lists:filter(fun(Vector) -> in_sphere(C, R, Vector) end, Vectors).
cull_spaceships(C, R, Spaceships) ->
InSphere = fun({_SpaceshipStuff, SpaceshipVector}) ->
in_sphere(C, R, SpaceshipVector) end,
lists:filter(InSphere, Spaceships).
34> v:cull_spaceships({3,3,3}, 5, [{spaceship_stuff, {4,4,4}}]).
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 5:45 PM, kraythe . <kraythe@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Now the question is the resolution of the followup question of how to
>> integrate this in a solution. Do we return a list of trues and falses and
>> zip that with the objects to form a candidate list? How would you do it?
> Look at lists:partition/2 then write your culler so it can be given as a
> predicate to partition.
> --
> J.
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