[erlang-questions] What lib to use for http requests
Felix Gallo
Fri Dec 12 21:03:11 CET 2014
httpc has some weird bugs under load and should be retired from the
standard distribution.
lhttpc is better but is a dead project and has a variety of forks, some of
which are buggy or incomplete. The 'esl' fork seems to be the closest
although in my experience it seems to have a broken pooling mechanism.
Additionally it uses 'let it crash' for the common case of timeouts, which
can fill up crash.log quickly and impede investigation into real issues.
dlhttpc is a fork of lhttpc that ferd put together to handle high volume
requests to a low number of endpoints. It's also not actively maintained,
but ferd is still alive and kicking and has recently responded to pull
requests there. I intended on using this but rustled up my own nasty pool
mechanism on top of my own hacked fork of lhttpc.
gun appears to be the most actively maintained; I haven't tried it yet but
if it's as solid as cowboy, this is probably the right one to use for new
shotgun is just an SSE convenience wrapper on gun, so if you don't need
SSE, sticking with gun is probably your best bet.
fusco is an alpha quality http client that doesn't appear to be actively
In general the state of http clients in erlang is a bewildering, overgrown
thicket of ancient decaying masonry and beguiling dead ends filled with
poisonous invisible gila monsters.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Iñaki Garay <igarai@REDACTED> wrote:
> We love our tool shotgun[1], built on top of gun:
> [1] https://github.com/inaka/shotgun
> It improves on gun's SSE support.
> good luck,
> Iñaki
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Mark Nijhof <
> mark.nijhof@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for the atm best solution to make http requests, from
>> downloading a small file till larger (100mb) archives. I know of f.ex. the
>> httpc, ibrowse, gun.
>> Any preferences? And why?
>> -Mark
>> --
>> Mark Nijhof
>> t: @MarkNijhof <https://twitter.com/MarkNijhof>
>> s: marknijhof
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