[erlang-questions] Potion: was "Erlang for youngsters"

Anthony Ramine n.oxyde@REDACTED
Sun Aug 10 00:54:34 CEST 2014

Somewhat off-topic:

Why is virtually no one trying to improve things in Erlang the language?

I don’t think named fun expressions and maps were the last things to add to the language. Nor I think nothing can be done for youngsters and beginners. Honestly I don’t see how a new language for youngsters help, youngsters’  state is blank, we can start with anything as long as the tooling is adequate enough to help you.

For example, let me repeat myself, with smarter syntax errors.

Anthony Ramine

Le 9 août 2014 à 19:25, Robert Virding <rvirding@REDACTED> a écrit :

> So who would be interested in joining me to do Potion, a new language for the Erlang VM?

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