[erlang-questions] Maximising memory compactness
Fri Apr 4 10:33:30 CEST 2014
Hello all,
Let's suppose one would like to run a large, distributed (Erlang)
application, with many processes, and that ends up, in some cases, being
In order to squeeze more processes into each node, apart from using the
best data-structures to reduce memory footprint and from having the least
active processes hibernate, I imagine that a good option could be to rely
on "smaller pointers" (as they must be used internally a lot by the VM,
for most terms), i.e. either using the 64-bit half-word emulator or
instanciating as many 32-bit VMs as needed to "pave" the actual RAM of
each host, and have them communicate. Apparently large gains in terms of
memory could be expected.
The half-word emulator would seem the simplest/most elegant solution to do
so (ex: I suppose that CPU extended registers, instruction sets, etc. can
then be used - which wouldn't be the case for VMs compiled for 32-bit
addressing; moreover 32-bit VMs would probably have to communicate through
the loopback or alike, involving I suppose much marshalling/demarshalling)
but apparently:
- we currently cannot have both the half-word emulator *and* the
HiPe-based native compilation, so we have to choose between RAM and CPU
(don't know if targeting Erllvm could help)
- more importantly, with the half-word emulator, the total RAM for
stacks + heaps for processes would still have to be under 4GB (as stated
apparently by
So, my question: would relying on a set of 32-bit VMs per host, instead of
a single 64-bit VM, look like the best option here?
Thanks in advance for any hint!
Best regards,
Olivier Boudeville
EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47
65 27 13
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