[erlang-questions] Desing of MVC models

Ludovic Demblans ludovic@REDACTED
Sun Sep 15 23:18:05 CEST 2013

> When the player gets back online, you create your processes and load the  
> state. What happens from that point on depends on the game of course,  
> but for example you do not have to worry about saving the state if  
> nobody else in the world can see what changed.

But in this case, i should never save state because all the data people  
can see come from theese states. But i have to save.

> Your player state is likely just a few kilobytes of RAM at most. With  
> today's hosting that means a lot of players even on the smallest  
> servers. (Unless if you use cloud stuff I suppose.)
> But this is the less interesting part of what I said. What will make you  
> start thinking in Erlang is if you design your game with just processes,  
> with no database and no browser. Just processes. Then you can add the  
> browser and save the data and anything fancy you wish. But first you  
> need to forget MVC ever existed, and start seeing the M in MVC as an  
> actual live application you'll be talking to directly.

Well ok, I will focus on building game mechanics and processes  
interactions. That will be way more fun anyway :)

Thank you


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