[erlang-questions] Old and new crypto: sign, rsa_sign, verify, rsa_verify compatibility

Evgeny M donpedrothird@REDACTED
Thu Oct 24 11:23:06 CEST 2013

I can't even verify rsa signature created with the new sign(rsa,...) 
function. verify(rsa, ...) returns always false. No problems with old 
functions such as rsa_sign/rsa_verify.

What am I doing wrong, could somebody help me?

PrivateKey = 

 PublicKey = 

Payload = <<"Launch the nukes.">>.
Hash = crypto:hash(sha, Payload).

Signature1 = crypto:sign(rsa, sha, {digest, Hash}, PrivateKey). 
crypto:verify(rsa, sha, {digest, Hash}, Signature1, PublicKey). %% false

Signature2 = crypto:sign(rsa, sha, Payload, PrivateKey). 
crypto:verify(rsa, sha, Payload, Signature2, PublicKey). %% false

SizedBinary = fun(Binary) -> <<(size(Binary)):32/integer,  Binary/binary>> 
Signature3 =  crypto:rsa_sign(SizedBinary(Hash), PrivateKey).
crypto:rsa_verify(SizedBinary(Hash), SizedBinary(Signature3), PublicKey). 
%% true

четверг, 24 октября 2013 г., 3:07:51 UTC+4 пользователь Evgeny M написал:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to make RSA signatures compatible between old and new 
> crypto methods? I can't find a way how to do this. 
> Here's an example, run in R16B02:
> crypto:start().
> %% these two keys are valid RSA keypair
> PrivateKey = 
> [<<0,0,0,2,2,1>>,<<0,0,0,65,0,194,170,51,214,70,17,25,24,39,11,190,238,251,171,164,221,80,251,171,85,16,134,227,199,246,113,207,194,211,53,68,253,54,195,192,2,93,91,107,118,147,218,227,151,148,3,165,184,26,199,213,68,18,25,35,249,207,196,111,26,201,150,255,69>>,<<0,0,0,64,104,90,61,184,186,69,12,116,62,217,98,92,46,21,166,57,194,30,29,119,116,166,32,71,194,252,162,197,193,144,84,98,223,170,137,84,25,86,2,237,128,201,216,139,98,173,122,229,3,62,100,69,241,18,186,249,170,25,156,172,32,228,180,129>>].
> PublicKey = 
> [<<0,0,0,2,2,1>>,<<0,0,0,65,0,194,170,51,214,70,17,25,24,39,11,190,238,251,171,164,221,80,251,171,85,16,134,227,199,246,113,207,194,211,53,68,253,54,195,192,2,93,91,107,118,147,218,227,151,148,3,165,184,26,199,213,68,18,25,35,249,207,196,111,26,201,150,255,69>>].
> SizedBinary = fun(Binary) -> <<(size(Binary)):32/integer,  Binary/binary>> 
> end.
> Payload = <<"Launch the nukes.">>.
> Hash =  crypto:sha(Payload).
> %%signed with old method
> Signature = crypto:rsa_sign(SizedBinary(Hash), PrivateKey).
> %%verify with old method - returns true
> crypto:rsa_verify(SizedBinary(Hash), SizedBinary(Signature), PublicKey).
> %%new method - returns false
> crypto:verify(rsa, sha, {digest, Hash}, Signature, PublicKey).  
> %%another try of new method - throws an 'bad argument' exception
> crypto:verify(rsa, sha, {digest, SizedBinary(Hash)}, 
> SizedBinary(Signature), PublicKey).
> %%new method yet again - returns false
> crypto:verify(rsa, sha, {digest, Hash}, SizedBinary(Signature), 
> PublicKey). 
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