[erlang-questions] memsup errors on Mac OS X 10.8.4

Steve Vinoski vinoski@REDACTED
Thu Oct 17 14:06:23 CEST 2013

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED> wrote:

> (flussonic@REDACTED)49> 13:02:03.502 emulator Error in process
> <0.16248.3> on node 'flussonic@REDACTED' with exit value:
> {{case_clause,{more,"Pages
> free:~d.",0,[]}},[{memsup,fread_value,2,[{file,"memsup.erl"},{line,760}]},{memsup,get_memory_usage,1,[{file,"memsup.erl"},{line,730}]},{memsup,'-handle_call/3-fun-1-',2,[{file,"memsup.erl"},{line,285}]}]}

I saw this a few months ago and had a brief email discussion with
Björn-Egil Dahlberg about it. I believe the only way the error happens is
if /usr/bin/vm_stat returns an empty string. Feel free to disagree, but our
discussion concluded that the error was rare enough that it fell into the
"let it crash" category, and since memsup just restarts when that happens,
we opted not to patch it.

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