[erlang-questions] rebar dev
Tristan Sloughter
Tue Jun 25 01:23:54 CEST 2013
Right, I mentioned 'shell and 'ct' as being commands that still exist,
unlike 'dialyze'.
The compiling of C code has been inconsistent in that a version of rebar
from time 1 will not work, than updating to time 2 works and then stops
working again at time 3. A point that makes it important to always bundle
rebar escript with your source if you have C since most likely no other
will work, but a problem then arises when that project is a dep of another
and the rebar used in the parent doesn't work (too old, too new, who knows).
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Dave Smith <dizzyd@REDACTED> wrote:
> Care to elaborate on what "consistent compiling of c_src" is all about?
> Also, rebar still has ct support. :)
> D.
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Tristan Sloughter <
> tristan.sloughter@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Yup, rebar has commands like 'shell' and 'ct' and used to have
>> 'dialyzer'. All have never worked as you'd expect, causing everyone to
>> still use Makefiles. Without those 3 commands at least, plus consistent
>> compiling of c_src would be nice..., rebar is just a slightly better erlc
>> and still requires Make.
>> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Tiago Cury <tcury@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> I tried rebar shell, Look:
>>> Air11:Backuper tcury$ ./rebar shell
>>> ==> jsx (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> ==> ibrowse (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> ==> yaws (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> ==> meck (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> ==> erlcloud (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> ==> Backuper (shell)
>>> NOTICE: Using experimental 'shell' command
>>> Erlang R16B (erts-5.10.1) [source-05f1189] [64-bit] [smp:2:2]
>>> [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
>>> =ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2013::20:00:31 ===
>>> driver_select(0x0000000011c82648, 0, ERL_DRV_READ ERL_DRV_USE, 1) by
>>> tty_sl (tty_sl -c -e) driver #Port<0.5953> stealing control of fd=0 from
>>> input driver fd (0/1) #Port<0.505>
>>> Eshell V5.10.1 (abort with ^G)
>>> 1> Eshell V5.10.1 (abort with ^G)
>>> 1> q().
>>> ok
>>> 2>
>>> {error_logger,{{2013,6,24},{20,0,56}},"~s~n",["driver_select(0x0000000011c809d0,
>>> 0, ERL_DRV_READ ERL_DRV_WRITE, 0) by fd (0/1) driver #Port<0.505> stealing
>>> control of fd=0 from input driver tty_sl (tty_sl -c -e) #Port<0.5953> \n"]}
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