[erlang-questions] style question - best way to test multiple non-guard conditions sequentially
Siraaj Khandkar
Thu Jun 20 01:57:37 CEST 2013
On 06/19/2013 05:50 PM, Dmitry Kolesnikov wrote:
> Hello,
> I am solving this problem in following way:
> run() ->
> maybe_cond1(cond1(), …).
> maybe_cond1(false, …) ->
> maybe_cond2(cond2(), …);
> maybe_cond1(true, …) ->
> % do cond1.
> maybe_cond2(false, …) ->
> maybe_cond2(cond3(), …);
> maybe_cond2(true, …) ->
> % do cond2.
> maybe_cond3(false, …) ->
> % do failure
> maybe_cond3(true, …) ->
> % do cond3.
> this approach allows you to have as many conditions as you like.
> The code can be simplified by using lists:fold and closers e.g.
> lists:foldl(fun assert/2, false, [fun cond1/0, fun cond2/0, fun cond3/0]).
> assert(_, true) ->
> true;
> assert(Fun, false) ->
> Fun().
> cond1() ->
> case is_cond1() of
> true ->
> % do condition 1
> true;
> false ->
> false
> end.
> …
> but I do prefer the first approach.
I like the fold approach, but a bit more specialized:
fold_until_error([], X) ->
{ok, X};
fold_until_error([F|Fs], X) ->
case F(X) of
{ok, Y} -> fold_until_error(Fs, Y);
{error, _}=E -> E
do_stuff(Stuff) ->
Conditions =
[ fun c1/1
, ...
, fun cn/1
case fold_until_error(Conditions, Stuff) of
{ok, Data} -> ...;
{error, Reason} -> ...
One can, of course, use a boolean() instead of ok|error tuples, but I
prefer it because you can know exactly what did not pass and for what
reason [1].
[1]: http://existentialtype.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/boolean-blindness/
> On Jun 19, 2013, at 9:23 PM, Jonathan Leivent <jleivent@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Suppose one has multiple conditions that are not guards that need to be tested sequentially (meaning, only test condition N+1 after condition N tests false) in a function. Using a case or if in a simplistic way would then produce considerable nesting, especially as the number of conditions increases above 2 or 3.
>> Is there some way in Erlang to write such code without either breaking up the function clause or using high degrees of nesting?
>> The closest I can come is something like:
>> fun(...) ->
>> C1 = cond1(...),
>> C2 = C1 orelse cond2(...),
>> C3 = C2 orelse cond3(...),
>> if C1 -> ...;
>> C2 -> ...;
>> C3 -> ...;
>> true -> ...
>> end.
>> Which works, but looks rather cryptic. It also seems like it is doing all of the branching at least twice.
>> I guess this also implies the question: why does Erlang require the conditions in an if statement to be guards?
>> -- Jonathan
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