[erlang-questions] [ANN] ErlPort 1.0.0alpha released

Dmitry Vasilev dima@REDACTED
Mon Jun 10 12:39:55 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I've just released ErlPort version 1.0.0alpha. ErlPort is a library for 
Erlang which helps connect Erlang to a number of other programming 
languages (currently supported Python and Ruby). Apart from using 
ErlPort as a tool to call Python/Ruby functions from Erlang it also can 
be used as a middleware for Python/Ruby instances.

Check http://erlport.org for more details.

The new version of ErlPort is basically a complete redesign and rewrite 
of the project. The main changes in this version are:

- Redesigned as Erlang application
- Added support for all recent (2.5 and higher) versions of Python
- Added support for all recent (1.8.6 and higher) versions of Ruby
- Added support for custom data types

The following is an example Python session with Erlang shell to give you 
a feeling how ErlPort works:

1> {ok, P} = python:start().
2> python:call(P, sys, 'version.__str__', []).
<<"2.7.3 (default, Aug  1 2012, 05:14:39) \n[GCC 4.6.3]">>
3> python:call(P, operator, add, [2, 2]).
4> python:stop(P).

Dmitry Vasiliev <dima at hlabs.org>

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