[erlang-questions] inconsistent results with fragmented table

Noah Schwartz noah.schwartz1@REDACTED
Sat Jul 6 16:10:19 CEST 2013

Gotcha. That's kind of concerning given that its possible we will need to add fragments in the future...

I've also noticed that there's a primary key violation. I have the same exact record in two fragments which should be impossible. I've never done an operation on the fragments directly after converting the table.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2013, at 9:56 AM, Chandru <chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED> wrote:

> On 6 July 2013 14:17, Noah Schwartz <noah.schwartz1@REDACTED> wrote:
>> I can give this a shot. So you think that at some point while adding fragments items got put into the wrong fragment causing the deletes/reads to fail? Qlc works since its essentially scanning the whole table?
> Yes.
>> How can I avoid this problem when adding fragments in the future?
> Not entirely sure. I've never relied on this feature myself because I didn't trust it to work properly! I just create a fragmented table, and repopulate the DB.
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Chandru <chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Sounds like the redistribution of data among fragments hasn't happened for whatever reason. One way to fix this is as follows:
>>> - Take a list of all the keys (assuming there aren't millions of them)
>>> - Figure out if it is in the correct fragment using functions in mnesia_frag_hash.erl
>>> - If not, read the record, delete it from the appropriate fragment, and re-insert
>>> If taking a list of all the keys isn't practical, I suggest:
>>> - take a backup
>>> - write a script which will traverses the backup and extracts all the keys which are in the wrong fragments
>>> - write another script to move said records from wrong fragment to the correct one
>>> cheers
>>> Chandru
>>> On 5 July 2013 20:03, Noah Schwartz <noah.schwartz1@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>> This was originally an un-fragmented table that I converted to a fragmented table. I converted by calling change_table_frag with active and then adding my frags. 
>>>> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Chandru <chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>> How were these records written to the table in the first place? I've seen this happen when you write to the table without using mnesia_frag as the activity callback module.
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> Chandru
>>>>> On 5 July 2013 16:07, Noah Schwartz <noah.schwartz1@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>>> I have a table of type set that worked fine as a non-fragmented table. We started seeing performance issues with the table and with the anticipation of more clients in the system, we were worried the size would exceed the 2 GB max. 
>>>>>> The table contains chat messages and we purge records older than 7 days. There seem to be a number of keys that don't show up in a read activity but, do show up when doing a table dump, a select, or using qlc to find records. As such, when this purge policy runs records are found that when I try to delete don't actually get deleted. It almost seems like read/delete are working off of one set while qlc is working off of another set.
>>>>>> Code/outputs below. As you can see for a given key read returns nothing, qlc returns an object, delete says it worked ok. Running the code again gives the same results. Am I using the fragmentation API incorrectly somehow?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>> Code:
>>>>>> -module(sel).
>>>>>> -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl").
>>>>>> -record(archive_message313, {owner_with_day_utc, owner, with, day_gregorian_seconds, messages = []}).
>>>>>> -export([run/0]).
>>>>>> run () ->
>>>>>>   Owner = {"9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e", "dj.barker.xxx.com"},
>>>>>>   With = {"d735280e-d263-4e2b-beff-ed8ccaca5535", "dj.barker.xxx.com"}, 
>>>>>>   DayUtc = {2013, 6, 28}, 
>>>>>>   K = {Owner, With, DayUtc},
>>>>>>   DelFun = fun () -> mnesia:delete({archive_message313, K}) end,
>>>>>>   ReadFun = fun () -> mnesia:read({archive_message313, K}) end,
>>>>>>   QlcFun = fun () ->
>>>>>>     Q = qlc:q([M || M <- mnesia:table(archive_message313), M#archive_message313.owner_with_day_utc == K]), 
>>>>>>     qlc:eval(Q)
>>>>>>   end,
>>>>>>   Read = mnesia:activity(transaction, ReadFun, [], mnesia_frag),
>>>>>>   Qlc = mnesia:activity(transaction, QlcFun, [], mnesia_frag),
>>>>>>   Del = mnesia:activity(transaction, DelFun, [], mnesia_frag),
>>>>>>   {read_result, Read, qlc_result, Qlc, del_result, Del}.
>>>>>> Output:
>>>>>> {read_result,[],qlc_result,
>>>>>>              [{archive_message313,{{"9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e",
>>>>>>                                     "dj.barker.xxx.com"},
>>>>>>                                    {"d735280e-d263-4e2b-beff-ed8ccaca5535",
>>>>>>                                     "dj.barker.xxx.com"},
>>>>>>                                    {2013,6,28}},
>>>>>>                                   {"9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e",
>>>>>>                                    "dj.barker.xxx.com"},
>>>>>>                                   {"d735280e-d263-4e2b-beff-ed8ccaca5535",
>>>>>>                                    "dj.barker.xxx.com"},
>>>>>>                                   63539596800,
>>>>>>                                   [{{{2013,6,28},{13,36,34}},
>>>>>>                                     {xmlelement,"forwarded",
>>>>>>                                                 [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:forward:0"}],
>>>>>>                                                 [{xmlelement,"delay",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:delay"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"stamp","2013-06-28T13:36:34.000000Z"}],
>>>>>>                                                              []},
>>>>>>                                                  {xmlelement,"message",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"to",
>>>>>>                                                                "9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e@REDACTED"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"from",
>>>>>>                                                                "d735280e-d263-4e2b-beff-ed8ccaca5535@REDACTED"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"type","chat"}],
>>>>>>                                                              [{xmlelement,"body",[],[...]}]}]},
>>>>>>                                     1372426594.889164},
>>>>>>                                    {{{2013,6,28},{13,36,35}},
>>>>>>                                     {xmlelement,"forwarded",
>>>>>>                                                 [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:forward:0"}],
>>>>>>                                                 [{xmlelement,"delay",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:delay"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"stamp","2013-06-28T13:36:35.000000Z"}],
>>>>>>                                                              []},
>>>>>>                                                  {xmlelement,"message",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"to",
>>>>>>                                                                "9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e@REDACTED"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"from",
>>>>>>                                                                "d735280e-d263-4e2b-beff-ed8ccaca5535@REDACTED"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"type",[...]}],
>>>>>>                                                              [{xmlelement,"body",[],...}]}]},
>>>>>>                                     1372426595.124266},
>>>>>>                                    {{{2013,6,28},{13,36,35}},
>>>>>>                                     {xmlelement,"forwarded",
>>>>>>                                                 [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:forward:0"}],
>>>>>>                                                 [{xmlelement,"delay",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"xmlns","urn:xmpp:delay"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"stamp","2013-06-28T13:36:35.000000Z"}],
>>>>>>                                                              []},
>>>>>>                                                  {xmlelement,"message",
>>>>>>                                                              [{"to",
>>>>>>                                                                "9afa8671-7e88-436c-9ad4-4cb13ad45e1e@REDACTED"},
>>>>>>                                                               {"from",[...]},
>>>>>>                                                               {[...],...}],
>>>>>>                                                              [{xmlelement,[...],...}]}]},
>>>>>>                                     1372426595.337535}]}],
>>>>>>              del_result,ok}
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Noah
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Noah
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