[erlang-questions] [Newbie] Erlang or Erlang/OTP

Ryan Brown ryankbrown@REDACTED
Wed Jan 16 00:50:26 CET 2013

I have begun learning erlang using the tutorial at:


So far it has been wonderful and I expect the remainder to be as well.
However, as a newbie to Erlang, I have come across an issue and need some

When I began the tutorial I just did an install via apt-get like so:

sudo apt-get install erlang

This has worked very well in the console for the excercises thus far.
However, I am now at the point when I want to begin using emacs. When I go
to install the emacs erlang-mode it seems to be requiring OTP. (I had
planned on starting with the Erlang language fundamentals then move-on to
OTP specific stuff) When I went to install OTP it instucted me to use
apt-get and install esl\erlang:

sudo apt-get install esl\erlang

However, when I do this I receive conflict errors. So, I just went ahead
and removed erlang:

sudo apt-get remove erlang

Then installed OTP as instructed:

sudo apt-get install esl/erlang

Now it appears to be good but I am unsure of what state I am in. Could
someone please explain the difference? Am I missing anything from core
erlang? I want to make sure because I am about to begin work maintaining
a system that uses erlang and OTP.

Thanks in advance!

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