[erlang-questions] OTP R16B has been released

Kenneth Lundin kenneth.lundin@REDACTED
Wed Feb 27 14:09:05 CET 2013

Erlang/OTP R16B has been released.
OTP R16B is a major release with a number of new features, improved
characteristics and also some minor incompatibilities.

We would like to thank all of you that tested the beta release (R16A) and
gave us valuable feedback.

See the readme file and the documentation for more details.

Some of the highlights are:

   - Optimized handling of processes in the VM
      - New internal process table allowing for parallel reads and writes
      - optimized run queue management
      - optimized process state changes
   - "Non-blocking" code loading
   - New internal port table, and rewrite of scheduling of port tasks.
   - Dynamic allocation of port structures, allowing the default for
   maximum ports to be raised to 65536 (from 1024)
   - Support for UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters in source files.
   - Inets application: The http client now support HTTPS through a proxy
   - Asn1 application: Major cleanup of back ends and optimizations of
   mainly decode for PER and UPER.
   - The experimental features parameterized modules and packages are
   removed. An alternative compatible solution
   for parameterized modules is provided here
   - All built in functions BIF's (even if they are implemented in C as
   part of the VM) are now visible in the
   source code of the module they belong to, including their type specs.
   - The Wx application now compiles and is usable with the unstable
   development branch of wxWidgets-2.9.
   This means that wx can now be built on 64 bit MacOsX as well.

You can find the README file with more detailed info at

You can download the full source distribution from
http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R16B.readme (this file)

Note: To unpack the TAR archive you need a GNU TAR compatible program.

For installation instructions please read the README that is part of
the distribution.

You can also find this release at the official Erlang/OTP Git-repository at
Github here:
https://github.com/erlang/otp tagged *OTP_R16B*

The Windows binary distribution can be downloaded from


On-line documentation can be found at http://www.erlang.org/doc/.
You can also download the complete HTML documentation or the Unix manual


We also want to thank those that sent us patches, suggestions and bug

The Erlang/OTP Team at Ericsson
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