[erlang-questions] testing strategy question.
Erik Søe Sørensen
Wed Feb 13 10:08:58 CET 2013
Eunit has a similar thing.
They call it "fixtures":
Den 13/02/2013 09.05 skrev "Huseyin Yilmaz" <yilmazhuseyin@REDACTED>:
> Hi, I am relatively new to erlang and I am trying to write a project to
> grasp the language and otp basics. In my application, I am using e-units
> for testing. here is some sample code
> get_room_get_code_test() ->
> chat:stop(),
> Code = 1,
> ?assertEqual(ok, chat:start()),
> {ok, Room} = start_link(Code),
> ?assertEqual({ok, 1}, get_code(Room)),
> ?assertEqual({ok, Room}, get_room(1)),
> ?assertEqual(ok, chat:stop()).
> all of my codes have this structure.
> 1) Stop chat server, if it is running (if previous test failed before
> stopping running server)
> 2) Start chat server.
> 3) do tests.
> 4) stop server.
> Writing this every time is look really bad. (even if would make
> start_test_env, stop_test_env methods, I would still need to write a
> structure to make sure test environment is properly destroyed for every
> failed test.)
> So I decided to write it with common test.
> init_per_suite(Config) ->
> ok = chat:start(),
> error_logger:info_msg("Chat application stopped~n"),
> Config.
> end_per_suite(_Config) ->
> ok = chat:stop(),
> error_logger:info_msg("Chat application stopped~n"),
> ok.
> get_room_get_code_test_case() ->
> [].
> get_room_get_code_test_case(_Config) ->
> Code = 1,
> {ok, Room} = c_room:start_link(Code),
> {ok, Code} = c_room:get_code(Room),
> {ok, Room} = c_room:get_room(1).
> With common tests my tests seems a lot better. But if I have an error to
> console. instead of it goes to common test report.
> I was wondering what people are using in those situations.
> What I want to do is to run the test cases every time I save my files to
> see if anything is broken. So I do not really want to run the test cases
> and go to my browser to see the results every time I save a file.
> Another thing is ?assert macros. Those macros give a nice output in
> eunits but common_tests does not have them. So it seems to me like we do
> not really interested in common_test output. we only want to see if it
> tests. So this means they are only for to run before going production?
> Any comment on this would be appreciated.
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