[erlang-questions] ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop Call for Participation
Laura M. Castro
Thu Aug 8 09:59:09 CEST 2013
Erlang Workshop 2013
12th ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop
September 28, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
(the day after ICFP 2013)
This workshop brings together the open source, academic, and
industrial programming communities of Erlang. It aims to enable
participants to familiarize themselves with recent developments on new
techniques and tools tailored to Erlang, novel applications, draw
lessons from users' experiences and identify research problems and
common areas relevant to the practice of Erlang and functional
Deadline for early registration: 22 August 2013
Web site: https://regmaster3.com/2013conf/ICFP13/register.php
This is the registration site for ICFP 2013 and all the affiliated
workshops including Erlang Workshop 2013.
Keynote by Justin Sheehy (CTO Basho Technologies)
At this year's Erlang Workshop, we have the pleasure of presenting
Justin Sheehy as our keynote speaker.
Justin is a prominent member of the Erlang community not only due to
his leadership in Erlang development efforts to create and maintain
Webmachine and Riak (both are very well known and highly respected
Erlang systems); but also for his efforts to promote Erlang through
conference speaking, social media, and as a member of the Industrial
Erlang Users Group. He has a very high level of knowledge and wisdom
regarding distributed systems, and his CTO position affords him a view
of both industry and academia that few others have.
List of Accepted Talks
Session: Scalability And Performance
Using Many-core Coprocessor to Boost up Erlang VM (by Siyao Zheng,
Xiang Long, Jingwei Yang)
On the Scalability of the Erlang Term Storage (by David Klaftenegger,
Konstantinos Sagonas, Kjell Winblad)
Riak PG: Distributed Process Groups on Dynamo-style Distributed
Storage (by Christopher Meiklejohn)
Multicore Profiling for Erlang Programs Using Percept2 (by Huiqing Li,
Simon Thompson)
Session: Extending Erlang
Software Agents Mobility using Process Migration Mechanism in
Distributed Erlang (by Michał Piotrowski, Wojciech Turek)
Actor Scheduling for Multicore Hierarchical Memory Platforms (by
Emilio Francesquini, Alfredo Goldman, Jean-François Mehaut)
Extending Erlang by Utilising RefactorErl (by Dániel Horpácsi)
Session: Testing
Turning Web Services Descriptions into QuickCheck Models for Automatic
Testing (by Macías López, Henrique Ferreiro, Miguel A. Francisco,
Laura M. Castro)
Testing blocking operations with QuickCheck's component library (by
Ulf Norell, Hans Svensson, Thomas Arts)
Poster Session
Scalable Persistent Storage for Erlang: Theory and Practice (by Amir
Ghaffari, Natalia Chechina, Phil Trinder, Jon Meredith)
Towards an Abstraction for Remote Evaluation Services in Erlang (by
Adrian Francalanza, Tyron Zerafa)
Property-based testing of RESTful Web Services (by Pablo Lamela
Seijas, Simon Thompson, Huiqing Li)
Program Committee
Steve Vinoski, Basho Technologies, USA (Workshop Chair)
Laura M. Castro, University of A Coruña, Spain (Program Chair)
Lars-Ake Fredlund, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Kevin Hammond, University of St. Andrews, UK
Torben Hoffman, Erlang Solutions Limited, UK
Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Kenneth Lundin, Ericsson AB, Sweden
Mickaël Rémond, ProcessOne, France
Kenji Rikitake, Basho Japan KK, Japan
Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK
Laura M. Castro
Department of Computer Science
Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
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