[erlang-questions] Testing a large, heterogeneous system
Jesper Louis Andersen
Thu Aug 1 11:25:58 CEST 2013
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 4:46 PM, David Welton <davidnwelton@REDACTED>wrote:
> Erlang, in our project, sits in the middle: it offers a web interface
> that uses lots of Javascript via Chicago Boss, manages some web
> sockets, talks to a database (Postgres), interacts with several C
> nodes, and also manages various external programs via erlexec and
> open_port. To add some complexity, specialized hardware is involved
> and dealt with via the C programs/nodes.
I am a fan of building virtualized environments rather than mocking. That
is, you take something like
and then you build up the parts which your system consists of and make sure
you can deploy code inside your virtual environment. For Postgres, look at
pg_virtuelenv. Most of the C-nodes can perhaps be pushed into the virtual
environment. The specialized hardware is usually nasty and you may have to
mock that in order to get correct operation.
But I usually hate mocking with a passion and much prefer to run
virtualized setups. It also forces you to think about ease-of-development
in general as it forces you to have an environment on a box.
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