[erlang-questions] [ANN] jerg - JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator
Sat Apr 27 11:29:50 CEST 2013
When it comes to web development, my experience with records as the
data structure behind an API was not positive. We used records a lot
at the beginning, but their use declined with every new project.
Erlangs biggest advantage in web development is flexibility. Records
are inherently inflexible. If you use records across multiple modules,
you make code updates that change your data structure way more
problematic. One module knows a record to be one thing, another knows
it to be another and everything crashes until all modules are updated.
In web development those code updates are quite frequent, since most
of what a website backend does is move data around.
On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Tilman Holschuh
<tilman.holschuh@REDACTED> wrote:
> Dear list,
> On behalf of David Dossot I'd like to announce:
> jerg, a JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator
> You can find jerg on github:
> https://github.com/ddossot/jerg
> David also wrote a blog on jerg:
> http://blog.dossot.net/2013/04/meet-jerg-json-schema-to-erlang-records.html
> Feedback is more than welcome.
> Cheers
> - Tilman
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