Simon Thompson
Mon Apr 22 14:52:08 CEST 2013
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
September 29th to October 4th, 2013
Paper abstract submission (15 lines): May 6th, 2013 (extended deadline)
Full paper submission: May 10th, 2013 (extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance: June 7, 2013
Final papers due: June 28th, 2013
* Tim Harris, Oracle Labs
* More TBA
The 17th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, SBLP 2013, will be held in Brasília, Brazil, on September 29th to October 4th, 2013. SBLP provides a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in the fundamental principles and innovations in the design and implementation of
programming languages and systems.
The symposium will be part of the 4th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, CBSoft 2013,http://cbsoft2013.cic.unb.br/, which will host four traditional, well-established symposia:
* XXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
* XVII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP)
* XVI Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)
* VII Brazilian Symposium on Components, Software Architecture and Software Reuse (SBCARS)
SBLP 2013 invites authors to contribute with technical papers related (but not limited) to:
* Program generation and transformation, including domain-specific languages and model-driven development in the context of programming languages.
* Programming paradigms and styles, including functional, object-oriented, aspect-oriented, scripting languages, real-time, service-oriented, multithreaded, parallel, and distributed programming.
* Formal semantics and theoretical foundations, including denotational, operational, algebraic and categorical.
* Program analysis and verification, including type systems, static analysis and abstract interpretation.
* Programming language design and implementation, including new programming models, programming language environments, compilation and interpretation techniques.
Contributions should be written in Portuguese or English. We solicit papers that should fall into one of two different categories: full papers, with at most 15 pages, or short papers, with at most 5 pages. Full papers submitted in English will be published in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), by Springer. For this reason, all papers must be prepared using the LNCS template, available at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. We encourage the submission of short papers reporting on partial results of on-going master dissertations or doctoral theses. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings distributed in a digital media by the CBSOFT organizers.
Submissions should be done using SBLP 2013 installation of the EasyChair conference mangement system athttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sblp2013.
As in previous editions, a journal special issue, with selected papers from accepted contributions, is anticipated. Selected papers from 2003 to 2008 editions of SBLP were published in special issues of the Journal of Universal Computer Science, by Springer. The post-proceedings of SBLP from 2009 to 2012, also with selected papers from the conference proceedings, are being edited as special issues of Science of Computer Programming, published by Elsevier.
Genaina Nunes Rodrigues, UnB
Rodrigo Bonifácio, UnB
Diego Aranha, UnB
André Rauber Du Bois, UFPel
Phil Trinder, Glasgow University
Alberto Pardo, Univ. de La Republica
Alex Garcia, IME
Alvaro Freitas Moreira, UFRGS
André Rauber Du Bois, UFPel (co-chair)
Andre Santos, UFPE
Carlos Camarao, UFMG
Christiano Braga, UFF
Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews
Fernando Castor Filho, UFPE
Fernando Quintão Pereira, UFMG
Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior, UFC
Hans-Wofgang Loidl, Heriot-Watt University
Jeremy Singer, Glasgow University
Joao Saraiva, Universidade do Minho
João F. Ferreira, Teesside University
Lucilia Figueiredo, UFOP
Luis Soares Barbosa, Univ. do Minho
Manuel António Martins, Univ. de Aveiro
Marcelo A. Maia, UFU
Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden Univ/CWI
Marcelo d'Amorim, UFPE
Marco Tulio Valente, UFMG
Mariza A. S. Bigonha, UFMG
Martin A. Musicante, UFRN
Noemi Rodriguez, PUC-Rio
Peter Mosses, Swansea University
Phil Trinder, Glasgow University (co-chair)
Qiu Zongyang, Beijing University
Rafael Dueire Lins, UFPE
Renato Cerqueira, PUC-Rio
Ricardo Massa, UFPE
Roberto S. Bigonha, UFMG
Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio
Sandro Rigo, UNICAMP
Sergio Soares, UFPE
Simon Thompson, Univ. of Kent
Varmo Vene, Univ. de Tartu
Simon Thompson | Professor of Logic and Computation
School of Computing | University of Kent | Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK
s.j.thompson@REDACTED | M +44 7986 085754 | W www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~sjt
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