[erlang-questions] [WnCC] Re: integrating nodejs with erlang code
aman mangal
Mon Apr 15 05:27:15 CEST 2013
Thanks everyone for their time to reply on this post.
Anil, TCP/IP sockets are slow(not really actually) compared to erlang
message passing in an erlang cluster. The more important thing is if I use
erlang message passing and other distributive features of the language, it
will avoid writing the code myself, will be more fault tolerant and more
reliable to use. As I cannot do everything in erlang, I am using node.js on
the front end side (erlang is on back end side). My application is running
in a cluster where any server may have to talk to other for information, I
thought that doing the nodejs to erlang communication locally and use
message passing among the nodes in the cluster will be better.
Thanks once again :)
I will try some of the ideas given here and will experiment and choose the
one that fits to my requirements.
Aman Mangal
3rd year Undergraduate
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
IIT Bombay
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Anil <anilashanbhag@REDACTED> wrote:
> Can you highlight more on why you think its 'slow and inefficient' ? Also
> probably give more details on what exactly erlang process and nodejs
> process is doing ?
> As Tapan pointed out - using message brokers like ZeroMQ or RabbitMQ is
> according to me best way out..
> On Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:18:15 PM UTC+5:30, tapan pandita wrote:
>> Hey Aman,
>> Have you considered using ZeroMQ <http://www.zeromq.org/bindings:erlang>?
>> You can use it over tcp/ip or IPC(if processes are local) and it's pretty
>> efficient. It has bindings for many languages including erlang, node.js,
>> C++, C, etc.
>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:19 AM, aman mangal <mangal...@REDACTED>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How can I go about implementing JS in erlang? This seems interesting to
>>> me. Please tell me what do you mean by implementing JS or node.js in erlang?
>>> Aman Mangal
>>> 3rd year Undergraduate
>>> Department of Computer Science & Engineering
>>> IIT Bombay
>>> www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~amanmangal
>>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Zheng Zhibin <wite...@REDACTED>wrote:
>>>> beam.js would be one way to build node.js into Erlang :)
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Ben
>>>> 在 2013-4-10,下午11:46,Robert Virding <robert....@REDACTED**solutions.com>
>>>> 写道:
>>>> The most efficient way of connecting Erlang with node.js would be, of
>>>> course, to implement JS and hence node.js in Erlang. Maybe not the easiest
>>>> way, but definitely the most efficient connection. :-)
>>>> Robert
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: *"Joe Armstrong" <erl...@REDACTED>
>>>> *To: *"Eduardo Gurgel" <edgu...@REDACTED>
>>>> *Cc: *"Ali Attarwala" <ali....@REDACTED>, "Shailesh Tyagi" <
>>>> shai...@REDACTED>, "wncc iitb" <wncc...@REDACTED>, "Erlang"
>>>> <erlang-q...@REDACTED>, "chirag jain" <chira...@REDACTED>
>>>> *Sent: *Wednesday, 10 April, 2013 11:14:19 AM
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [erlang-questions] integrating nodejs with erlang code
>>>> Just curious, but what is the *least efficient* way of connecting
>>>> node.js to Erlang.
>>>> If I were doing this I'd start with the least efficient method, build
>>>> my app, measure, then optimize if
>>>> necessary.
>>>> If the optimization is not necessary you have saved yourself a whole
>>>> lot of work.
>>>> Alternatively, write the code and if it is not fast enough wait ten
>>>> years.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> /Joe
>>>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Eduardo Gurgel <edgu...@REDACTED>wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 12:37 PM, aman mangal <mangal...@REDACTED>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> What is the most efficient way to pass events/data from erlang
>>>>>> processes to nodejs and vice versa? Setting up a tcp socket may be slower
>>>>>> or inefficient. I was thinking of doing something native. Both erlang and
>>>>>> nodejs provide libraries(NIF) to call C functions but none of them provide
>>>>>> an efficient implementation for calling erlang/nodejs functions from C or
>>>>>> C++ as far as I know. Please suggest some ideas!
>>>>> You could take a look on BERT RPC:
>>>>> https://github.com/rtomayko/**node-bertrpc<https://github.com/rtomayko/node-bertrpc>
>>>>> https://github.com/mojombo/**bert.erl<https://github.com/mojombo/bert.erl>
>>>>> Right now, bert-rpc.org is returning 404, but it was up two days ago:
>>>>> http://bert-rpc.org/
>>>>> Maybe checking cached webpage on bert-rpc.org may help you.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Eduardo
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