[erlang-questions] RE On node disconnections
Wed Apr 10 11:27:52 CEST 2013
To answer my own question (why the loss of a remote node was making a
monitoring node crash with an untrapable 'noconnection' error), it was due
to the fact that this monitoring node was run with "-eval": launching the
same application, this time from the Erlang shell, exhibited no crash
dump, and the node loss was correctly detected.
However, often an application must be run from a script (not from an
interactive shell; ex: in order to run on a cluster), and apparently none
of the solutions to do so with the 'init' module (namely "-eval", "-run"
and "-s") allows to resist to these kinds of runtime failures.
So: what could be the solution to run a VM as batch (without the
interactive shell) while still being able to overcome errors (such as
Thanks in advance for any hint!
Best regards,
Olivier Boudeville
EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47
65 27 13
Envoyé par : Olivier BOUDEVILLE/A/EDF/FR
02/04/2013 18:08
On node disconnections
Hi all,
I had a few questions about node disconnections. Currently I have a
distributed application that must resist the crash of at least some of its
hosts. I test the whole feature first by using ten remote virtual machines
which I software-disconnect from the user host at random moments of the
application execution, thanks to a merciless 'ifconfig down' of the
relevant network interface.
It works great, insofar as the communications then freeze immediately (no
surprise). My intent was to monitor, from a specific process on the user
node, each of these 10 worker nodes (using net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2), to
receive the corresponding 'nodedown' messages and (if monitoring does not
prevent 'noconnection' to be triggered) then to issue a disconnect_node/1
for each of them, so that my user node can resist these losses.
However, most of the time I cannot intercept the 'nodedown' information
soon enough (or at all), and the whole program crashes and burns, with a
** Node 'N' not responding **
** Removing (timedout) connection **
{"init terminating in do_boot",noconnection}
So, my question: how can I prevent this noconnection to wreak havoc, as it
seems to ruin our ability to resist node losses?
If I understand well, as these reliability messages shall be managed "out
of band", there is always a race condition between their receiving and the
telling to all processes to stop interacting with the lost node(s). So if
there were no way of at least temporarily resisting 'noconnection' (as
whatever we do there *will* be processes that will attempt to send a
message to a lost node), the whole purpose of the approach would be
defeated. Unless I misunderstood something?
A related question is that, apparently, increasing the kernel net tick
time (say, from 60 to 300) does not seem to increase accordingly the
noconnection time-out that must exist somewhere. As a result, I think that
by design the node monitoring can only fail then (a noconnection will
always happen before the monitoring messages have a chance to kick in).
Thanks in advance for any hint!
Best regards,
Olivier Boudeville
EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47
65 27 13
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