[erlang-questions] low level packet access from erlang
JD Bothma
Wed Apr 3 22:04:12 CEST 2013
It might be worth looking into how
https://www.erlang-solutions.com/products/openflow does it. IIRC it works
at the ethernet level so there's lots of info available.
On 3 April 2013 19:59, Garry Hodgson <garry@REDACTED> wrote:
> i am building an experimental firewall of sorts,
> and need to be able to access incoming packets
> directly, so i can muck around with low level
> src/dst/ports/etc information. it looks like the standard
> modules handle the low level things for me, such that
> i by the time i see an incoming message, the low level
> details are lost.
> how can i arrange access to the lower level information
> (ignoring performance issues for now)?
> i see like mentioned a way in an old (2001) thread:
> http://www.trapexit.org/forum/**viewtopic.php?p=4258&sid=**
> 4469db61020efe9100e1e1c2504bfc**8c<http://www.trapexit.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=4258&sid=4469db61020efe9100e1e1c2504bfc8c>
> but the link to bluetail where his code was doesn't exist anymore.
> i've read the ei/pcap approach presented here:
> http://blog.**listincomprehension.com/2009/**12/erlang-packet-sniffer-**
> using-ei-and.html<http://blog.listincomprehension.com/2009/12/erlang-packet-sniffer-using-ei-and.html>
> but i don't want to just sniff packets, but intercept them.
> i'd appreciate any insights into how to tackle this.
> --
> Garry Hodgson
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