[erlang-questions] Erlang Type specifications and throw
Jesse Gumm
Tue Apr 2 09:14:32 CEST 2013
(including the ML with this one)
Hi Rudolph,
With a situation like this, the more canonical Erlang approach is to do
something like: on success, return {ok, Pid} and on failure return the atom
Then the spec would simply be:
-spec where(G::atom()) -> {ok, pid()} | error.
Then you can trivially use it in a case statement and use pattern matching.
Using a combination of throw and try blocks as intended behavior for
control flow is a recipe for confusion.
On Apr 2, 2013 12:22 AM, "Rudolph van Graan" <rvg.mailing@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to write a type spec for a function that throws exceptions,
> something like this:
> -spec where(G :: atom()) -> pid() | throw({no_name,atom()}).
> I don't want to use an exit signal, because this behaviour is intentional
> and the calling process will catch this and take specific action. But I
> can't write this using the -spec syntax. The documentation says:
> Some functions in Erlang are not meant to return; either because they
> define servers or because they are used to throw exceptions as the function
> below:
> my_error(Err) -> erlang:throw({error, Err}).
> For such functions we recommend the use of the special no_return() type
> for their "return", via a contract of the form:
> -spec my_error(term()) -> no_return().
> no_return() is completely the wrong thing to use and just leaving out the
> throw(…) declaration is also wrong in my eyes. How do I do this?
> Thanks,
> Rudolph van Graan
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