[erlang-questions] native

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Tue Sep 11 09:06:19 CEST 2012

On 10 sep 2012, at 19:03, Thomas Lindgren <thomasl_erlang@REDACTED> wrote:

>> ________________________________
>> From: Kostis Sagonas <kostis@REDACTED>
>> I do not know why Thomas thinks that HiPE should be able to confortably beat BEAM on this sort of code (care to elaborate?).  From a brief glance it seems to me that the code spends a lot of time in BIFs written in C (most notably list_to_tuple/1 and element/2, but also trunc/1, abs/1 and math:sin/1. All of these are outside the reach of the native code compiler.
> The regular MD5 algorithm is basically a loop doing lots of integer arithmetic and bit operations as well as accessing a few arrays. This ought on the face of it to be quite amenable to native code compilation. I'm amazed that the implementation Tony used managed to get trunc/abs/sin into the inner loop, but that might as you say well explain the problem.

My goal with this implementation was not speed. I really wanted something simple to look at. erlang:md5 already exists, and
there is no point competing with that. I just compiled it native for fun. So do not be amazed! :-)
But as shown by kostis and others it looks like it is my computer that behaves badly, I will have a look.



>>> Unfortunately, 'pp_native' gave broken/confusing output so it's hard to trace what happens.
>> Well, this happens because the HiPE compiler compiles in parallel by default (!).  If you want to see the native code in the non-scrambled version use:
>>     c(md5, [native, {hipe, [no_concurrent_comp, pp_native]}]).
> Well well, you learn something new every day.
> Best,
> Thomas

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