[erlang-questions] Perform gen_event:call/3 inside Module:handle_event/2

Son Tran-Nguyen esente@REDACTED
Thu Oct 25 18:01:14 CEST 2012

>Could you please elaborate
> * why do you have a list of callbacks within an event manager? Event
Manager manages a list of event handlers for you?

I want a dynamic way to define event handlers. Instead of statically
defining event handlers in callback modules, I want some way for other
processes to listen to when a gen_event manager receives event and act on
that. By using a Fun as callback, it call inherits the scope of the process
which calls it, adding more flexibility.

> * why do you try to call event handler?

Mostly to acquire some or all of the state of another event handler module.


Son Tran-Nguyen

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Dmitry Kolesnikov

> Hello,
> In the nutshell, you are having deadlock at gen_event:call within event
> manager.
> Could you please elaborate
>  * why do you have a list of callbacks within an event manager? Event
> Manager manages a list of event handlers for you?
>  * why do you try to call event handler?
> I think in your case, a gen_server is required so that event_handler
> catches an event and passes it to gen_server that does a magical job for
> you.
> - Dmitry
> On Oct 25, 2012, at 6:40 PM, Son Tran-Nguyen wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to make a listener tree using gen_event behavior.
> I have a listener module, which will have an event type and a
> list of callbacks in its state. It will receive event in format
> {EventName, Payload}, and call all the callbacks with Payload
> if EventName matches the event type it handles:
> handle_event({EventName, Payload}, {EventName, Callbacks}) ->
>  [Callback(Payload) || Callback <- Callbacks],
> {ok, {EventName, Callbacks}};
> In another module, I have a function
> on(EventName, EventMgr, Callback)
> Which allows me to add the listener callback module into a
> gen_event manager EventMgr for EventName.
> The EventMgr also has other callback modules to hold other
> states.
> If my Callback is like this
>  Callback = fun(Payload) ->
>   io:format("About to run callback~n),
>   Prop = gen_event:call(EventMgr, other_module, some_property)
>   io:format("This never runs~n")
> end
> The problem is gen_event:call is not running inside the Callback.
> I don't event see the second io:format
> To think about it, the Callback is executed inside a handle_event
> of the EventMgr, so I guess it's not in the right scope of something?
> It's also the same if inside a handle_event of some other module,
> I do gen_event:call(self(), a_different_module, some_property), so
> I take that this is not allowed.
> Is there anyway to do what I want to do?
> Sincerely,
> Son Tran-Nguyen
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