[erlang-questions] gen_leader discrepancies in reporting of downed nodes across a cluster

Jeremy Raymond jeraymond@REDACTED
Fri Nov 30 03:06:15 CET 2012

I just have 3 nodes with 3 different gen_leader based modules. I stop
and start the app on one of the nodes a few times and that usually
does it. I'll see if I can reproduce this in a simple test and post
back to the list. Might not get to it for a few days though.


On 2012-11-29, at 1:16 PM, Andrew Thompson <andrew@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 11:24:49AM -0500, Jeremy Raymond wrote:
>> I gave that branch a try. I'm still seeing misreported downed nodes. I
>> should see correct gen_leader:down/1 and gen_leader:alive/1 lists on all
>> nodes correct?
> I'd certainly hope so, although I admit my testing was more focused on
> ensuring that leader election was working, and I didn't look at the
> output of down/1 and alive/1.
> If you give me steps to reproduce what you're seeing, I'd be happy to
> take a look.
> Andrew
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