[erlang-questions] Supervision Tree

Fred Hebert mononcqc@REDACTED
Wed Nov 28 13:23:30 CET 2012

I'm not sure I'm understanding you right. Do you advocate never wrapping
function calls to special processes (i.e. all OTP behaviours) in a
functional interface, and basically just letting people use whatever to
call them?

I don't know why, but I'm somewhat cringing at the idea of code that
makes things like the registration it uses (local, global, via), stats
logging calls, any modification it wraps around the data, and so on, a
burden on all the callers rather than keeping it unique in one place.

Not using wrapper functions makes it harder to test (and mock), change
the interface or implementation (supervisor -> supervisor_bridge, or
using a protected ETS table for quick reads rather than messaging the
process), document (no EDoc goes there), and type check (no restrictive
type specs possible to declare).

Maybe you instead meant that you would have something like
'myapp_serv.erl' only doing raw gen_server callbacks, and then another
module 'myapp_api' that does the wrapping, in which case that sounds
much better as a compromise and wouldn't have me frothing at the mouth
if I ended up maintaining that code base (in which case, disregard the
two paragraphs before this one) :)


On 11/28, Bengt Kleberg wrote:
> Greetings,
> First let me mention that I prefer to never mix call back code that runs
> in a special process (in this case the supervision process) with code
> used by other processes. So, start_link/0 is better off in another
> module.
> Secondly, if you have a variable with _ first in the name the compiler
> should not complain about it not being used. What is your compile
> command?
> Last, _Args is the [] from supervisor:start_link/2
> ebngt
> On Wed, 2012-11-28 at 12:23 +0200, Lucky Khoza wrote:
> > Hi Erlang Developers,
> > 
> > I'm actually trying to understand and compile the following module
> > code, and i don't understand why the init/1 function takes an argument
> > which it doesn't use at all, so when i try to compile the module it
> > complains about the argument _Args because it's unused.
> > 
> > May someone help me understand the use of this argument?
> > 
> > -module(ch_sup).
> > -behaviour(supervisor).
> > 
> > -export([start_link/0]).
> > -export([init/1]).
> > 
> > start_link() ->
> >     supervisor:start_link(ch_sup, []).
> > 
> > init(_Args) ->
> >     {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, 60},
> >           [{ch3, {ch3, start_link, []},
> >             permanent, brutal_kill, worker, [ch3]}]}}.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for a lot for your help, i really appreciate it.
> > Kindest Regards
> > Lucky
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