[erlang-questions] Multiple applications

Karolis Petrauskas k.petrauskas@REDACTED
Tue Nov 13 05:07:16 CET 2012

Thanks for the link, I will read that :)


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Garrett Smith <g@REDACTED> wrote:
> Yeah, now the correct answer is very clear: it depends :)
> Erlang applications will "turn on" a particular set of features. But
> they're probably not the right abstraction for increasing "capacity".
> E.g. you can't start multiple instances of the same application to do
> more work. You can certainly add processes, managed under the auspices
> of an application.
> If you're willing to skim over some of the low-level technical areas,
> I recommend reading the 0MQ "The Guide":
> http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all
> There's obviously quite a bit specific to 0MQ, but that document (soon
> to be a published book as I understand!) elaborates a way of thinking
> about messaging patterns that might be very helpful in provoking
> different questions and ideas for you.
> Each of the messaging patterns presented in The Guide can be applied
> quite easily within a single Erlang node -- it's all just message
> passing.
> And if you're so inclined, Erlang + 0MQ makes a very good platform for
> distributed systems IMO (i.e. using these patterns across multiple
> Erlang OS processes, without relying on distribute Erlang).
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Karolis Petrauskas
> <k.petrauskas@REDACTED> wrote:
>>     Your questions allow me to understand the problem better. Thanks
>> :) Maybe the terms "master application" and "plugin application" is
>> not totally appropriate. In java world it would be:
>>     master application = application server,
>>     plugin application = application (or user application).
>> The application server governs all the user applications, provides
>> some infrastructure and delegates some work to them. I would like to
>> have ability to add those applications freely, but once particular
>> user application added, the application server should proceed with its
>> own processing only when the added application is available.
>>     Maybe another way to solve this is to reverse the runtime
>> dependency: "the user applications take tasks from a queue provided by
>> the application server" instead of "the application server delegates
>> tasks to user applications". I need to think about that more. The
>> requirement for the solution to support cluster operation is not
>> making things clearer :)
>> Karolis
>> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Garrett Smith <g@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> What makes the plugins "pluggable"? If there's no uncertainly about
>>> what might be registered, it might make more sense to define the
>>> workers as children of a supervisor in your main app.
>>> If you're breaking these into separate apps to manage complexity, then
>>> I suspect you're looking at your option 1 -- library style apps that
>>> are required by the main app.
>>> If it's not know ahead of time what the plugins are, what is the
>>> trigger for processing? Is it a certain number of plugins? A total
>>> worker capacity?
>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Karolis Petrauskas
>>> <k.petrauskas@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for the comments. It sounds reasonable to go with active
>>>> applications. One aspect I forgot to mention is that the main
>>>> application should start its own processing only when all the required
>>>> plugins are ready. The plugin applications act as backend processors.
>>>> Maybe that could be solved in more abstract way: the main application
>>>> could be configured with names of processes (or incoming messages) to
>>>> wait for before processing is started. Although I am not sure if such
>>>> an approach is "erlangish", I was deep in java for last ten years.
>>>> Karolis
>>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Garrett Smith <g@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Karolis Petrauskas
>>>>> <k.petrauskas@REDACTED> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>     I am building an Erlang based system that is composed of several
>>>>>> applications. In principle, the system consists of a main application
>>>>>> and a number of "plug in applications". The latter have modules
>>>>>> implementing behaviours defined by the main application. In this
>>>>>> particular case, should I have all the "plug in applications" as
>>>>>> library applications, and access them from the main application based
>>>>>> on some explicit configuration? Or should all the applications have
>>>>>> its own application modules starting own supervisors and then
>>>>>> registering self to the main application? The main thing confusing me
>>>>>> is the recommendation to have single supervision tree for the entire
>>>>>> system.
>>>>> There are good reasons for taking either approach, but if you're in
>>>>> doubt, I'd suggest the second option: each plugin is an "active"
>>>>> application (i.e. specifies a mod in the .app file) that registers
>>>>> itself as needed with the main application.
>>>>> The advantage to this approach is that you're further separating the
>>>>> components of your system:
>>>>> - The main application doesn't have to know about the plugins at
>>>>> startup, which simplifies its configuration and removes the "wiring"
>>>>> logic that it would otherwise need
>>>>> - Plugins can be added and removed by adding and removing OTP
>>>>> applications in the release (i.e. you use boot files to specify which
>>>>> plugins are run for a given Erlang process)
>>>>> The OTP application abstraction in Erlang is very powerful in this
>>>>> respect, as long as you design your applications to be as independent
>>>>> as possible from one another. You can add new functionality to a
>>>>> system by the simple act of starting a new application!
>>>>> Your only real design consideration then is how the plugin apps
>>>>> register with the main application. This is a good spot for a
>>>>> gen_event, or pub/sub broker model, where you use an intermediary
>>>>> process to broker messages/requests between the main application and
>>>>> the plugins.
>>>>> Garrett

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