[erlang-questions] [ANN] Nitrogen Web Framework 2.1.0 Released

Jesse Gumm gumm@REDACTED
Thu Nov 1 19:39:31 CET 2012

Hello fellow Erlangers,

I'm proud to announce the release of the Nitrogen Web Framework 2.1.0. This
is the first official release since Rusty passed the reins to me last year.

Downloads and Docs (official site): nitrogenproject.com
Github repo: http://github.com/nitrogen/nitrogen
Changelog: *

## Major Updates in 2.1.0

* Split dependencies into git sub-repositories (nitrogen_core, nprocreg,
simple_bridge, sync)
* Simpler upgrade process for Nitrogen deployments (`make upgrade`)
* Support for Cowboy (thanks Tuncer Ayaz and Loic Hoguin, you guys helped
out a lot)
* Improved Windows Support - better compilation and support for more
webservers than just inets
* Jquery mobile integration  (Thanks Mattias Holmlund)
* Added RESTful form elements (Thanks Jeno Hajdu)
* Added drag and drop, progress meter, and support for multiple files to
file uploading with the built in #upload element.
* New elements and actions. Improved validator support.
* Lots of bugfixes and stability improvements.
* Lots of new documentation.

## The Roadmap

* Websocket support
* An improved graphing library
* Add some automated testing of some sort
* Revive the nitrogen_elements github repository, which is mostly filled
with elements from Nitrogen 1.0. Updating those elements to be compatible
with 2.0+ would be nice.
* Improve binary support. While the current version has had some
improvements to support Erlang binaries instead of lists, Nitrogen should
be *more* supportive of using Erlang binaries.
* Nitrogen as a dependency: right now Nitrogen is not trivial to set up as
a rebar dependency. This needs to be rectified both in documentation and
with any code that might simplify this process.
* Add new build option to generate a release without ERTS included using
R15B02's new {excl_lib,otp_root} option for reltool.
* Fix Github wikis removing docs that are redundant with the website, and
updating docs that are inaccurate, possibly migrating all docs from the
github wiki to the website (docs in two different places seems wrong to me)
* A Nitrogen cookbook

## Some other thoughts

It's been a while since the last official Nitrogen release.  Now that 2.1.0
is finally done, the release schedule will be *much* faster and switched to
a stricter adherence to semver.

## Discussion

I'm usually in the #nitrogen, #erlang, and #erlounge freenode IRC channels
as "chops", so feel free to ping me there or the mailing list with any
questions, concerns or suggestions.

## On a personal note

I find working in Nitrogen and Erlang to be an absolute joy and I'm honored
that Rusty thought of me to manage the project. I'm fully invested in
Nitrogen (that is, I'm building my company's new flagship software with
it), and I'm glad I am. So thank you Rusty for creating Nitrogen and also
for thinking of me for this responsibility. I have some big shoes to fill.
And to everyone who's helped out with Nitrogen, submitting issues, pull
requests, and answering questions on the mailing list: thank you.

All the best,


Jesse Gumm
Owner, Sigma Star Systems
414.940.4866 || sigma-star.com || @jessegumm
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